We are seeing a significant increase in covid-19 positive kids and unvaccinated family members in our patient population over the past 2 weeks. The current strain of coronavirus circulating is significantly more infectious, even with very brief fleeting contact.
It is natural to feel apprehensive about something new for your child and we speak with parents daily about the Covid-19 vaccine. As we approach returning to school this year, we want to provide information to help you make an informed decision about getting the COVID vaccine, and hopefully put your mind as ease with your choice...
Does going back to school increase my child’s risk of catching or transmitting the coronavirus?
Yes, going back to school can increase the risk of getting COVID-19. We know being indoors, in close proximity to other people, without a mask puts our children at higher risk. Most of our local schools will not have a mask mandate this fall. So, once school starts, there is a higher risk.
When and where should my child get vaccinated?
We would highly recommend getting your kids 12 and older vaccinated as soon as possible before the school year begins. We administer the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine Monday-Friday in the office. Please plan ahead, and bring your kids and family in for the vaccine soon! It takes about 5 weeks to be fully vaccinated as you need two doses of the vaccine, three weeks apart. It takes an additional 2 weeks after the second dose to be considered fully vaccinated. Your child may receive the Pfizer covid-19 vaccine in combination with other vaccines at his/her well check up. Many colleges are requiring the vaccine for students living on campus this fall.
What about vaccine side effects?
The potential side effects of the vaccine are mostly localized, limited to the first 48 hrs post vaccine, can be managed, and are much less significant than getting infected with covid-19.
When will children under 12 be able to receive the vaccine?
Clinical trials are ongoing currently. We expect results in September for the Pfizer 5-11 trial. Then the FDA would need to review the data. Likely October would be the soonest vaccine is available for ages 5-11.
How can I protect my children unable to be vaccinated?
Surrounding these children with vaccinated adults and limiting their unmasked exposure to unvaccinated individuals is the best way to keep them healthy.
Please help us keep your families well! We continue to ask that all patients above age 4 and caregivers wear a mask the entire time when coming into our office for an appointment. We have many little ones at the office still ineligible for the vaccine.
❤️ Your 5th Avenue Pediatrics Doctors